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class difference 意味

"class difference"の例文


  • 階級的格差{かいきゅうてき かくさ}
  • class     1class n. (1) 種類, 部門; 等級. 【動詞+】 It constitutes a class by itself. それだけで
  • difference     difference n. 差異, 相違; 差額; 異論; 不利, 争論. 【動詞+】 They adjusted their
  • difference of social class    社会階級{しゃかい かいきゅう}の差
  • a difference    a difference 落差 らくさ
  • difference     difference n. 差異, 相違; 差額; 異論; 不利, 争論. 【動詞+】 They adjusted their differences. 彼らは仲直りした Let's bury our differences for ever. 永久に意見の違いを忘れてしまいましょう It was impossible to detect any diff
  • with a difference    一風変わった、一味違った所のある、特殊な意味で
  • a class    A class A級(活断層)[地球]
  • class    1class n. (1) 種類, 部門; 等級. 【動詞+】 It constitutes a class by itself. それだけで 1 部門をなしている This car dominated its class in races this year. この車は本年度レースでそのクラスを制覇した They form a class by thems
  • class a    class A A級(活断層)[地球]
  • class of    《a ~》~の類
  • class with    class with 同一視 どういつし
  • in a class with    《be ~》~と同類である
  • in class    授業中に
  • no class    下手{へた}な、ひどく劣っている
  • (equal) difference    (equal) difference 等差 とうさ


  • this implies the emergence of class difference .
  • the prince fell in love and was going out with izumi shikibu , but was not able to marry her because of class difference .
  • the ochima and hirobisashi had the purpose of demonstrating birth class difference to lower class people who were not welcomed .
  • however , there is no legal class difference between the two and , in the ritsuryo law system , daijo hoo is included in daijo tenno .
  • in 1923 , chosenkoheisya (korean social organization ) was established to eliminate the discrimination against hakucho and waged the movement to eliminate the class difference along with the zenkoku suiheisha (the national levelers ' association ) in japan .
  • moreover , shiki itself became mere tokubunken (the right to share of profits of each shiki ) from the one indicating the class difference , and the cases that honke (head family ) and ryoke held the shiki containing the feature of local lords and vice versa came to be seen .
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